HyDRAULIC: Revolutionising the Intellectual Property Markets with Unparalleled Liquidity Solutions

Martial Medi
3 min readJul 12, 2023

In this fast-paced time of groundbreaking ideas, we are thrilled to introduce HyDRAULIC, a novel Web3 platform set to redefine how intellectual property (IP) is valued, financed, and, most importantly, brought to life.

Join us as we revolutionise the IP landscape and unlock boundless potential!

HyDRAULIC: Forget Intellctual Property As You Know It. www.hydrau.lc

A Paradigm Shift in Financing

At present, traditional and online lenders still overlook the immense potential of IP rights as collateral, while millions of businesses and individuals struggle to access financing worldwide. HyDRAULIC, however, will challenge this tradition, providing IP owners the ability to leverage their intangible assets, including patents, trademarks, and registered copyrights and designs, to secure funds that will help them to propel the success of their projects and businesses.

Such development is more than overdue, given that the current global IP-backed financing demand is estimated between $100B and $200B; driven by growing IP value, innovative businesses, and capital needs. At the same time the World intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) estimates global IP assets value at $10–15T and are expected to grow to $20–30T by 2030.

A Valuation and Liquidity Revolution

Valuing IP has long been a challenge, plagued by discrepancies, outdated tools, methodologies and technologies. HyDRAULIC will revolutionise the valuation landscape with a proprietary and expertly moderated valuation tool that ensures the accurate and transparent valuation of IP assets. More importantly this information will be accessible to all parties, both through online and decentralised blockchain repositories.

This valuation tool will also enable IP owners to gain access to liquidity through a robust lending model, a model which will facilitate instant and bespoke loans while reducing costs and allowing a wider pool of individuals and lenders to support the ecosystem.

Taken together, these features of HyDRAULIC represent a breakthrough vehicle to fuel global innovation at speed and scale.

Join the SOLO Intellectual Property Management Community

At SOLO IP Management, we believe in the power of community and collaboration. As an innovative IP management company operating at the heart of one of the world’s biggest creative centres and redefining the status quo, we understand the struggle and passion of those who desire to push the boundaries for a better world and future. The creators, dreamers, and innovators. For this reason, we invite investors, supporters, business owners, and creatives to become part of our dynamic community centred around IP, creativity, and innovation.

HyDRAULIC stands at the forefront of our community, offering a platform that bridges the gap between innovative ideas and financial resources.

To find out more about this exciting project and take part in building the future, visit the HyDRAULIC website to read the lightpaper and register your interest.

SOLO Intellectual Property Management: Innovative, Intellectual Property Solutions. www.sipmanagement.co.uk

